Regluing old cracks and putting in better cleats
Another old German workhorse bass... this has been repaired more than a few times. While I had the top off I removed a lot of redundant 'cleats' and put in my own. BONUS! This bass had an "integral" bass bar that is carved from the same piece of wood as the top.

Putting in some proper cleats after removing canvas material

All the canvas has been replaced with wood, and a partial edge doubling put in place to make the edges more stable and to help keep this bass alive for many more years!

New Block and Cleats

Edge Doubling

New Bass Bar and Cleats

Rebracing Warped Flatback

New Neck and Varnishing

Before and After
Cello with a big ol' rib crack, did some touch up varnishing and polishing to make it look better!

Soundpost Patch
When the top is cracked at the soundpost area, often the most effective repair is to inlay new wood in the effected area.

Puzzle Pieces
Sometimes pegbox cracks are easy to repair, other times it takes a lot of patience.

When resetting a neck in order to make certain the neck is perfectly centered I use a laser projector as a reference line. I love using magnets and lasers in my repairs whenever I can.

New corner
Sometimes it is necessary to add new wood, especially at fragile places like corners.

Flatback Repair
Most flatback basses will at some point have the bracing come loose. In this instance I was able to reglue the braces without completely removing the back.

Lower Block Replacement
If the lower block is damaged beyond repair, the only course of action is to carve it out and replace it.